Online Store

All proceeds from this online store go towards creating new underwater artworks to support reef restoration efforts and create new marine habitat worldwide. Jason deCaires Taylor’s ongoing dedication to our blue planet aims to encourage today’s young generation of ocean guardians to be proactive and have a positive human impact on our oceans and seas.

Donations help Jason deCaires Taylor continue to create more bio-remedial artworks around the world. For more information, click here.

Copper Crystal Maquettes

Using a technique developed by Jason deCaires Taylor, the following series of maquettes have been patinated by a process of passing small electrical currents through a copper solution. Over time, copper crystals artificially grow on the surface of the works that are submerged in special tanks at the UK Studio. The process of mineralaccretion using copper aims to replicate the formations found on the oceanic installations and creates a level of detail that is impossible to create by human hand. Once removed from the solution, the works are stable and hot / cold patinated like traditional metal finishes. Please note that there are no living organisms used in the production of these works, and only salvaged copper and resin produced from recycled plastic bottles are used. Contact the Studio directly for further information about Jason deCaires Taylor’s creations.

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Ocean Fragments Limited Edition Copper Crystal Maquettes

This limited edition series of copper crystal maquettes are individually encapsulated in a crystal clear, high grade lucite resin, which has a textured surface to replicate the sea and subsequently refract light as witnessed underwater.

Visit the limited editions page to view other pieces available from the Studio.

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